
This namespace contains helper functions to perform process-related
actions (like sending a message, or exit signal) with a delay.


(apply-after msecs f)(apply-after msecs f args)
Applies f to args after msecs.
Returns the timer reference.
Throws on bad arguments.


(apply-interval msecs f)(apply-interval msecs f args)
Evaluates (! pid message) repeatedly at intervals of msecs.
Returns the timer reference.
Throws on bad arguments.


(cancel tref)
Cancels a previously requested timeout. tref is a unique timer
reference returned by the related timer function.
Throws if tref is not a timer reference.


(exit-after msecs reason)(exit-after msecs pid reason)
Sends an exit signal with reason to pid after msecs. Pid can be a pid
or a registered name.
Returns the timer reference.
Throws on bad arguments.


(kill-after msecs)(kill-after msecs pid)
The same as exit-after called with reason :kill.


(send-after msecs message)(send-after msecs pid message)
Evaluates (! pid message) after msecs.
Returns the timer reference.
Throws on bad arguments.


(send-interval msecs message)(send-interval msecs pid message)
Evaluates (! pid message) repeatedly at intervals of msecs.
Returns the timer reference.
Throws on bad arguments.